A new story in the Star Wars galaxy will unfold in the widely anticipated series The Mandalorian, taking place after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. The audience will follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.
Celebrating the first-ever live action Star Wars series, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale IG-11 collectible figure for Star Wars fans!
The highly-accurate IG-11 collectible figure is featuring highly detailed mechanical body with great articulations, skillfully applied weathering effects, two blasters, and a desert-themed figure base.
This amazing bounty hunter is definitely an exceptional collectible figure to add in your Star Wars collection!
The 1/6th scale IG-11 Collectible Figure specially features:
Special features including:
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different.
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required.
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.
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